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Capital High School
Helena Capital Class of '84
Message Board
In Memory
Michelle Christianson (Golob)
Hey fellow Bruins! Hard to believe it's been 30 years! I am looking forward to seeing you all! I missed the 20 so here's what I have been up to! My first degree was in Accounting, but after having kids, then being a helicopter mom and following them to school by getting a job as a paraprofessional, I realized I loved working with students. I went back to Carroll and graduated in 2006 with a K-8 certification. In 2007, I went to work for the University of Montana-Montana Tech and now am the Director of the Educational Talent Search program for the Institute for Educational Opportunities. We serve Butte, Helena, Deer Lodge and Anaconda and help students in grades 6-12 navigate the road to postsecondary education. I am also involved in the Montana College Access Network and was recently elected Board Chair for 2014/2015 so professionally I am pretty busy! My two sons are both attending the University of Montana in Missoula. Tyler is a 5th year senior and will be graduating with majors in marketing and business management as well as a secondary certification. He hopes to teach high school business classes and coach basketball and tennis. Nate is a senior and majoring in Psychology. He will take his GRE's next year and apply to the Clinical Psychology program. He hopes to get his Ph D and also do research. Alan, my husband of almost 25 years, has been a retired CPA/Administrator since 2001 and decided to return to the work force as a bus driver and has done that for 13 years. He also spends lots of time on the golf course. I think this will be the best reunion as by this time of our lives we've hopefully all figured out what matters most in life, spending time with the people we like being with! See you soon!
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87 Days to Go
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